I Can’t Decide About Melanie Martinez…

Melanie Martinez

I found a cover of one of Melanie Martinez’s songs on Facebook last night and I looked her up on YouTube because I thought it sounded kind of cool but holy cow is she a little creepy. Most of her songs have the same sort of techno sound. I can’t decide if her music is a good thing to have in my ears. Some of her songs, I really like. Other ones make me wonder if she’s off her meds. The best word I can use to describe her songs is haunting. One of her songs called “Mad Hatter“, I really liked at first, her comparison with Alison in Wonderland. Then one of the lyrics caught me off guard. “We paint white roses red, Each shade from a different person’s head.” So you know, that threw me off a little bit. Then she continues on about how crazy she is, which I thought added to the song, for sure. She talks about doing bad things and how she feel sane with crazy people. I liked part of the chorus when she said, “So what if I’m crazy? The best people are.” I get told I’m crazy all the time, and so I was thinking, “Heck yes, the best people are”, but this chick, she sounds freaking disturbed. Here’s the video if your’re curious:


That song is one of her more creepy ones. She has another one I actually really like. It’s called “Mrs. Potato Head“. The lyrics talk about how beauty is plastic and can be bought. She asks Mr. Potato Head how he afforded her surgery and if he’ll stay forever even if her face won’t. It talks about little girls learning to do horrible things for beauty. I really love what the message of the song is. “Does a new face come with a warranty?
Will a pretty face make it better?” The reason I’m hesitant to download this song is because it’s not uplifting at all. Do I really want to be listening to how awful society is and how it’s so caught up in outward appearances? “Does a new face come with a warranty? Will a pretty face make it better?” I don’t know. I can’t decide. About the society thing, not the pretty face thing. Here’s that lyric video.


I think I like “Mrs. Potato Head” the most. The first song that I found is called   “Dollhouse“. It’s the same style and type as the the first two. Again, I really like the message. She talks about a family that seems perfect on the outside, like dolls, but “When you walk away, it’s when we really play.” She talks about how no one ever listens but her dad’s with a slut, her brother is smoking pot, her mom is a drunk because of the father’s infidelity, I mean awful things. She says, “Please don’t let them look through the curtains.” I  am amazingly grateful to have, and I know this sounds weird but, good family problems. Problems yes, but no where near as severe as this. Anyways, the reason I like this song is I like the musical part of this song the most out of all of them. The beat, the rhythm, the melody. But also, this actually reminds me of a friend and another family I know. Their family issues aren’t like this either, but nobody else knows what’s going on. They do seem perfect on the outside. I feel like this is the case with tons of other people as well. The reason I’m hesitant to download this one is maybe I shouldn’t have images of these awful problems echoing around my head either. It’s the exact opposite of what I want in my future family. I want a happy, healthy, strong family. Again I can’t decide. Also, just so you know, the actual music video of this is freaking creepy and in some of her songs, Melanie Martinez swears, like the f-word, just so you know, in case you don’t listen to stuff like that, like me (kindred spirits), and you want to check this chick out some more.

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